Management Consultanting Firm
Draker Cody (formerly Resources for Excellence) was founded in 1997 and is highly focused on helping companies identify and reach their true potential. Providing expertise in Strategic Planning, Human Resource Management and Process Re-engineering, the firm has enjoyed continued growth and is recognized as a ‘go to’ company by CEOs and Senior Executives across the nation.
We help you develop your goal, conduct research and analysis to determine the best approach to take and then determine what tools and strategies you need. To reach your goal we work with you to develop and execute your plan. We help you with operational elements; financial planning, including budgets and monitoring processes; and marketing and PR.
We provide counseling and assistance for specific issues or projects to assure that you meet your goals in a timely manner, provide skills assessments and provide training for all levels of company human resources from staff to management including assessing skills.
We provide human resource consultation including reviewing and writing, or re-writing, job descriptions and handbooks, and developing benefits and compensation plans. State and federal compliance issues. We conduct a thorough assessment and analysis of your HR needs (employee policies, manuals, training, etc.) and any regulatory compliance issues.
Keywords: management, management consultants, business management, business design, business design, management training, leadership training, human resource training, human resources training,