Sagebrush Mental Health, LLC
2741 Indian School Rd. NE
Suite 107
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Prescribing Psychologist: Psychotropic Medication Management
Dr. Christina Vento, prescribing psychologist providing psychotropic medication management services for adults and adolescents in collaboration with patient's primary care provider. Specialty areas include: Mood Disorders and Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities
Keywords: Psychologist
Mood Disorders
Developmental Disabilities
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Interview Q&A
How long have you been in business?
I am opening a new private practice in May 2011 but have been in the mental health field for over a decade.
What is your primary product or service?
Psychotropic Medication Management Services
How do you differentiate yourself from other businesses in your category and area?
I provide psychotropic medication management services in collaboration with the patient's primary care provider. This enhances continuity of care and reduces the risk of inadvertent drug interactions
How many locations do you have and do you have plans to expand?
One location
Provide detailed directions to your location
NW corner of Indian School and Girard, north of UNM
Which areas do you service?
Metro Albuquerque
Who owns your company or runs daily operations?
Christina Vento, PsyD, ABMP is the owner and sole proprietor
What are your hours of operation?
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday starting May 2011
Contact Sagebrush Mental Health, LLC:
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