Customer Reviews for Green Sweep
Joshua C. on 6/11/2015 5:38:44 PM
Impressively bad. I'd actually bought a Groupon for Green Sweep a while back, and had a great experience. However, when I decided to hire them at full price, it was like dealing with an entirely different company.
The first thing that bothered me was that under the Groupon they had given us Saturday cleanings, but when we hired them at full price, they stated their company did not offer Saturday cleanings, which made it significantly more inconvenient to schedule cleanings with them.
The second problem was their deceptive estimates. When we'd hired them under the Groupon, they'd represented that they could clean our house for $80. However, when we called to hire them for regular cleanings, they asked me a few questions about what I wanted done, then provided an estimate of 4 hours for $160. When I asked about the discrepancy, they stated that cleaning our oven, fridge, and cabinets had not been included in the original estimate, but was in the latter. However, they put in 6 hours on the first cleaning, for a total of $240, and did not get to the fridge, oven, or cabinets at all. When I called about the issue, they stated that I should have been quoted a range of 4-6 hours for $160-$240. I was upset at their deviation from the original estimate, but didn't dispute the bill any further than that because I had received 6 hours of service.
Things got so, so much worse with the second cleaning though. They sent a crew of 3 to clean my hours. The crew spent a total of 1.5 hours at my house, for a total of 4.5 man-hours, and left me a bill for 5.9 man-hours. When I called to dispute the invoice, they said they would adjust it. However, when they called me with the adjusted invoice, they had only adjusted it down to 5.25 hours, because apparently their crew claimed to have been here for 15 minutes longer than they actually were. I told them the crew was only here for an 1.5 hours, and that I would dispute the charge if they tried to bill me for more than the services actually rendered.
The crew also claimed at the second cleaning that they did not clean fridges, notwithstanding the fact that including the fridge, oven, and cabinets had nearly doubled the estimate they had given me previously. I also received an e-mail shortly after the second cleaning informing me that I should notify them in advance if I wanted them to clean my fridge, oven, or cabinets. This seemed absurd in light of the fact that including those things in the services to be provided had doubled my estimate from the company.
Still, perhaps the worst issue was that during the second cleaning their staff jammed the drain plug in my bathroom sink so far down that it bent the lever under the sink that's supposed to pop the drain back up. The crew, and the company, denied responsibility when I called them about the issue, and I had to spend an evening and $35 replacing the drain assembly.
Green Sweep is a company whose product is essentially convenience, but dealing with them is one of the least convenient, most hassle-filled experiences I've had with any company in memory.